

‘Snow White’ in Italian

Part 1

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C’erano una volta un re e una regina. Il re era bellissimo e gentile, ma la vera sovrana del regno era sua moglie – la regina


Once upon a time there was king and a queen. The king was handsome and kind, but the real rule of the kingdome was his wife — the queen.


Prima di diventare regina, la moglie del re lavorava nelle cucine del castello. Era molto povera, ma era anche bellissima, e divertente, e bravissima a giocare a Scarabeo. E così il re si innamorò di lei e la sposò.


Before becoming queen, the king's wife worked in the castle kitchens. She was very poor, but she was also beautiful, and funny, and very good at playing Scrabble. And so the king fell in love with her and married her.

Il re amava tantissimo sua moglie. Eppure, la regina aveva sempre paura che il re potesse incontrare una donna più bella di lei.


The king loved his wife very much. But the queen was always afraid (always had fear) that the king would meet a woman more beautiful than she.

Per fortuna, la regina aveva uno specchio magico. Lo specchio vedeva tutto e sapeva tutto.


Fortunately, the queen had a magic mirror. The mirror saw everything and knew everything.


Ogni giorno la regina si guardava allo specchio e domandava:
“Specchio, specchio delle mie brame, chi è la più bella del reame?”


Every day the queen looked at herself in the mirror and asked:
“Mirror, mirror of my desires, who is the most beautiful in the kingdom?”

(This is the translation of the traditional Italian version of "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." — It sounds much better in Italian!)

E lo specchio rispondeva:
“Sei tu, mia regina! Tu sei la donna più bella del reame.”
E la regina era felice.


And the mirror replied:
“It's you, my queen! You are the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.”
And the queen was happy.

Ma un giorno tutto cambiò. La regina era in piedi di fronte allo specchio e faceva la solita domanda:  
“Specchio, specchio delle mie brame, chi è la più bella del reame?”


But one day everything changed. The queen stood in front of the mirror and asked the usual question:
"Mirror, mirror of my desires, who is the most beautiful in the kingdom?"

E lo specchio rispose:  
“Tu sei bellissima, mia regina. Ma è Biancaneve la donna più bella del reame.”  
La regina era scioccata.
“Chi è Biancaneve?”


And the mirror replied:
"You are beautiful, my queen. But Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom."
The queen was shocked.
"Who is Snow White?"


“Biancaneve lavora nelle cucine del castello. Ha i capelli neri come la notte, labbra rosse come le rose, e la pelle bianca come la neve. Alle otto di stamattina era un tantinello più bella di te.”


"Snow White works in the castle kitchens. Her hair is black like night, lips red like roses, and skin white like snow. At eight'o'clock this morning she was a tiny bit more beautiful than you."

“Arrrrggghh!!!” gridò la regina. Sbatté i piedi per terra. Si strappò i capelli.  
“Perderò tutto!”


"Arrrrggggh!!" cried the queen. She stomped her feet (on the ground). She pulled her hair (tore her hair out).
"I will lose everything!"


La regina aveva paura. E così il cuore della regina diventò freddo e duro come la pietra.


The queen was afraid (had fear). And so the queen's heart became cold and hard as stone.

La regina convocò un cacciatore fidato nelle sue stanze.
“Trova quella ragazza, Biancaneve,” ordinò. “Portala il più lontano possibile. In mezzo ai boschi.”


The queen summoned a trusted hunter to her rooms.
"Find that girl, Snow White," she ordered. "Take her as far away as possible. Into the middle of the woods."

E quindi la regina guardò il cacciatore dritto negli occhi:
“Non deve tornare mai più.”


And then the queen looked the hunter straight in the eyes:
"She must never come back."

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