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Seguì il gigante in camera da letto e si nascose sotto il letto. In un angolo della stanza c’era un’arpa dorata.
“Salve, mia bellissima arpa. Suona, grazie!” disse il gigante. L’arpa cominciò a suonare senza l’aiuto di nessuno.


He followed the giant into the bedroom, and hid under the bed. In a corner of the room there was a golden harp.
"Hello, my beautiful harp. Play, thank you!" said the giant. The harp began playing all by itself (literally: without the help of no one).

Illustration of the giant sitting on his bed, yawning. There is a golden harp nearby. Jack is under the bed, wide-eyed.

“Wow! Un’arpa magica!” sussurrò Jack. “Quell’arpa mi renderebbe ricco e famoso!”
Quando il gigante si addormentò, Jack strisciò fuori dal suo nascondiglio. Prese l’arpa magica e se la mise nella borsa.


"Wow! A magic harp!" whispered Jack. "That harp would make me rich and famous!"
When the giant fell asleep, Jack crawled out of his hiding place. He took the magic harp and put it in his bag.

Illustration of the the golden harp, crying with her arms up.

Ma questa volta non fu così fortunato.
L’arpa magica urlò, “Aiuto, padrone! Un umano mi sta rubando!”
Il gigante si svegliò e vide Jack con in mano l’arpa magica, la gallina dalle uova d’oro e le sue monete.


But this time he was not so lucky.
The magic harp screamed, “Help, master! A human is stealing me!”
The giant woke up and saw Jack holding (lit: with in hand) the magic harp, the golden hen (hen of golden eggs), and his coins.

Il gigante rincorse Jack… fuori dalla camera, per il corridoio, attraverso la cucina e fuori dalla porta.


The giant chased Jack — out of the bedroom, down the hallway, through the kitchen, and out the door.

Illustration of Jack running down the hallway, pursued by an angry giant.

Ma Jack era più piccolo e più svelto del gigante. Jack raggiunse il tronco della pianta di fagioli per primo e scivolo giù, giù, giù. Arrivò in fondo con tutti i suoi tesori.


But Jack was smaller and faster than the giant. Jack reached the beanstalk (the stalk of the plant of beans) first and slid down, down, down. He arrived at the bottom with all his treasures.

Il gigante raggiunse la cima del fagiolo e guardò giù. Soffriva di vertigini. Cominciò pian piano a scendere giù, giù, giù.
“STAI ATTENTO MARITO!” gridò la gigantessa dal castello. “GLI UMANI SONO PERICOLOSI!”


The giant reached the top of the bean (plant) and looked down. He suffered from vertigo. He very slowly started to climb down, down, down.
"BE CAREFUL, HUSBAND!" shouted the giantess from the castle. "HUMANS ARE DANGEROUS!"

Illustration of the giant nervously clinging to the beanstalk, and tentatively trying to climb down.

Jack vide il gigante che si avvicinava lungo il tronco, così corse in casa a prendere un’ascia. Tagliò il tronco della pianta di fagioli. Zac! Zac! Zac!


Jack saw the giant coming down the beanstalk. So he ran into his house to get an axe. He chopped the beanstalk (stalk of the plant of beans). Whack! Whack! Whack!

Illustration of Jack chopping the trunk of the beanstalk with a look of determination on his face.

All’improvviso il tronco si spezzò. Il gigante venne giù dal cielo ruzzolando. Cadde giù, giù, giù e atterrò lontano lontano, dall’altra parte delle Montagne Nebbiose. Tump!


Suddenly, the beanstalk snapped. The giant came tumbling down from the sky (came down from the sky tumbling). He fell down, down, down, and landed far far away, on the other side of the Foggy Mountains. Thud!

Per un attimo ci fu un silenzio totale. Poi Jack sentì uno strano suono in lontananza.
Era il gigante. Il tronco era caduto e adesso non poteva più tornare nel suo castello sulle nuvole.


For a moment there was total silence. Then Jack heard a strange sound in the distance.
It was the giant. The stalk had fallen, and now he could no longer return to his castle in the clouds.

Illustration of the giant crying abjectly in a desert-like landscape, next to the fallen beanstalk

Il gigante urlava così forte che fece tremare le nuvole che si tinsero di grigio. Poi da qualche parte su nel cielo, Jack sentì la Signora Gigantessa che scoppiava a piangere. Le sue lacrime caddero tra le nuvole in piccole gocce e bagnarono la terra.


The giant yelled so loudly that he made the clouds tremble, and they turned grey. Then somewhere in the sky, Jack heard Mrs. Giant burst into tears. Her tears fell through the clouds in tiny drops and soaked the earth.

Illustration of Jack staring at the sky as raindrops fall on him. A grey, depressing scene.

Da allora Jack e la madre vissero una vita molto agiata. La gallina dalle uova d’oro fece diventare Jack milionario. L’arpa magica lo rese famoso. Jack sposò una donna ricca ed ebbe da lei dieci figli.

Ma Jack non fu mai pienamente felice.


From then on, Jack and his mother lived a very comfortable life. The golden hen (hen of the golden eggs) made Jack a millionaire. The magic harp made him famous. Jack married a rich woman and together they had ten children (literally: from her he had ten children).

But Jack was never truly happy.

Illustration of Jack standing on his porch, watching the rain, pensive.

Ogni volta che soffiava il vento, Jack sentiva il gigante chiamare sua moglie. E ogni volta che pioveva, sentiva le lacrime della gigantessa cadere su di lui. Si sentiva triste e in colpa.


Every time the wind blew, Jack heard the giant calling for his wife. And every time it rained, he felt the tears of the giantess falling on him. Jack felt sad and guilty.

Un giorno, quando Jack era ormai molto vecchio, decise che non voleva più essere triste. Aprì una scatola sul caminetto e tirò fuori un ultimo fagiolo magico, tutto rugoso.


One day, when Jack was very old, he decided that he didn't want to be sad anymore. He opened a box on his mantelpiece and took out one last shrivelled magic bean.

Illustration of Jack as an old man, standing in his ornate lounge, looking at a bean in his hand and smiling hopefully.

Una volta trovato il gigante avrebbe potuto far crescere un’altra pianta. Poi il gigante sarebbe potuto risalire su al suo castello nelle nuvole. Una volta trovato il gigante, avrebbe potuto anche chiedere scusa per essere stato così avido. Jack fece i bagagli e si avviò verso le Montagne Nebbiose.


Once he found the giant, he could grow another plant. Then the giant could go back up to his castle in the clouds. Once he found the giant, he could also ask forgiveness for being so greedy. Jack packed a bag and headed towards the Foggy Mountains.

Illustration of an optimistic old Jack, walking out the front gate, looking at the distance and smiling.

Jack trovò mai il gigante? Fece mai crescere una nuova pianta con l’ultimo fagiolo magico? Nessuno lo sa. Ma si dice che se ascolti attentamente, durante un temporale, sentirai il rimbombare dei passi di due giganti che ballano insieme tra le nuvole.


Did Jack ever find the giant? Did he grow a new beanstalk with the last magic bean? Nobody knows. But people say, if you listen carefully during a storm, you can hear the rumbling steps of two giants who dance together in the clouds.

Illustration two giants dancing in the clouds, under the moon and stars, with the castle in the distance. They are smiling contentedly and haven't aged a day.
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