

‘Rapunzel’ in English

Part 4

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After walking all night, Rapunzel found her way home. But the tower was gone! All that was left was a burnt circle on the ground.

“Oh nooooo!” cried Rapunzel, and she fell to the ground sobbing.

But then she heard a voice coming from behind some trees.

“Hello? Is someone there? Can you help me? I can’t see. I can’t see anything.”

Rapunzel and the blind man

It was Justin. When Rapunzel saw Justin’s blind eyes, she knew what to do.

“Stay right there,” she ordered.

Rapunzel ran into the forest to find some herbs. She ground the herbs and made medicine. Then she put the medicine on Justin’s eyes.
Then... she cried again.

“Please don’t cry…” said Justin, softly. “Why are you crying?”

“My home is gone. My only friend is gone. You are blind—this is a mess!”

“Everything will be ok,” Justin said. Then he smiled. “Trust me — I’m a hero!”  

For three days, they camped in the forest. Rapunzel made medicine for Justin’s eyes. Justin told her about every time he had tried to be a hero.

Once he tried to fight a giant... but the giant was very kind. He invited Justin inside for tea.  

Once he tried to kill a dragon... But the dragon had baby dragons in its nest. Justin couldn’t do it.

Once he rescued a cat from a tree... But the cat immediately climbed back up.

“It’s really hard to be a hero!” he complained.

The man joking around beside the fire

When Rapunzel felt like crying, Justin told jokes until she laughed. When she couldn’t sleep, he listened to all her worries.

On the fourth day when Rapunzel woke up, Justin was already awake. He was looking at her with his bright blue eyes. He could see!

“Thank you, my beautiful friend,” he said. “You fixed my eyes.”

Justin and Rapunzel walked to Justin’s village. Rapunzel liked it in the village. Justin helped her build a new tower, and this time the tower had stairs. Rapunzel spent her days making medicine for the sick people in the village.

Did Justin ever become a hero? Yes, of course! There are many kinds of heroes. But the best and bravest heroes are the ones who help their friends through hard times. And Justin had helped his friend Rapunzel.

In the end, Justin and Rapunzel both lived happily ever after — just as the witch had promised.

The man and Rapunzel living happily ever after

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